
This work was a digital film installation for the accompanying album ‘A DØ’ by Factor Eight. The album was deleted suddenly from all available streaming platforms on March 25, 2021. The endlessly repetitive, unskippable video stream was all that remained of the album. If any person wanted to interact with or experience the album, they had to tune in to the live stream and were forced to start at whichever moment the album was currently playing through, not unlike the experience of listening to the radio. For example, if they wanted to hear the beginning, they would have to wait up to 45 minutes until the album-film restarted.

Since I was particularly interested in questioning the infinite expectation of streamed art and challenging the modern audience’s ability to consume with intention, #nothinglastsforever constantly disintegrated from April 10th, 2021 to April 10th, 2022. With each day of play-through, the film restarted at a lower bitrate, leaving the ‘best available quality’ behind and further asserting the importance of present engagement in any particular work of streamed art.

by Nano Clow and Factor Eight
music supported by SaskArts